Sunday, March 6, 2011

Ocean Animals - Part 1

We have officially begun our unit on Ocean Life
So DIVE IN!!!!

First Up....Oil Spills and how they affect Ocean Life
We are extremely lucky to have Ms. Van Dyke in our class this year. She is developing the lessons for this unit and doing an amazing job. Her first lesson taught about Oil Spills and how they negatively affect animals in the Ocean. The student's then had to put on their handy dandy safety goggles ( because they were an adorable addition) and come up with a way to clean feathers which had been soaked in oil. They were shocked at how "slimy" they were.
Once they figured out water wasn't going to work they had to brainstorm other ideas. We discussed how much harder it would be to clean an actual animal than just the feathers.


  1. That's a fantastic project. C and R would have had a blast in your class!

  2. Thanks Autumn! I can't wait for Art to start :)
