Hello Everyone,
I finished painting my new classroom tonight, FINALLY! Now painting a classroom is nothing new, I always paint something over the summer in my room but this time I moved to a new school so obviously that means a new classroom AND a new grade!!! Lots of changes this summer but all very exciting. In my last classroom I painted all but one wall PARAKEET which is an awesome green color and I used black and white accents. It was fabulous and I LOVED it. So fast forward to my new room and a light pastel green wall and 3 lot of white walls. ----I usually teach first grade and now I am in Kindergarten, who couldn't LOVE Kindergarten?!? I think it will be absolutely amazing and fun!! --- Back to the painting- I knew I HAD to paint in there, it wasn't bad but it was not really my type of classroom. I had to make it more FUNKY! MISSION almost ACCOMPLISHED!!! Check out the pics below and let me know what you think. THANKS!!!!
BEFORE- notice the light green border

Starting the black

Almost finsished with the black wall :)

I added a tree - not sure I love it. Notice the change in the greens. I love this green, it might not be for everyone but I think it is AWESOME.

Close up of nest and a little bird

I still have a TON of work to do but I am starting to love it!!!!